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Mein Ansprechpartner
igus® polymer Innovationen GmbH

Photo-Play-Straße 1

4860 Lenzing

+43 7662 57763
+43 7662 57751

drylin® W Komplettschlitten WWPL

  • Ausführung: eckig
  • Material Gleitelement: iglidur® L250
  • Material: Vollkunststoff
The drylin W complete slide WWPL is a versatile and maintenance-free guide slide made of solid plastic. Its design is angular. The sliding element is made of the material iglidur L250. Thanks to the special materials and design, the slide runs very quietly. The complete slide is also corrosion-resistant, wear-resistant and resistant to dirt and dust. This slide is part of the drylin W linear guide system, which is known for its flexibility and ease of assembly. It offers a cost-effective solution for your application.
Technische Daten
Zubehör & Komponenten


Gerne beantworte ich Ihre Fragen auch persönlich

Andreas Kniebeis, B.Eng.

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