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Mein Ansprechpartner
igus® polymer Innovationen GmbH

Photo-Play-Straße 1

4860 Lenzing

+43 7662 57763
+43 7662 57751

drylin® W Kurvenschlitten WWB, eckig, konvex, konkav

  • Curved slides for curved rails
  • Lubrication and maintenance-free
  • Quiet running
  • Corrosion-resistant
  • Ausführung: eckig
  • Material Gleitelement: iglidur® I3
  • Für Biegerichtung: konvex, konkav
  • Material: Aluminium
The drylin W curve slide WWB is a specially developed guide slide for applications that require convex and concave bends. The sliding element is made of the material iglidur I3 and the carriage is made of aluminum. Thanks to the special materials and design, the cam slide runs very quietly. The carriage requires no lubrication, which makes it particularly easy to maintain. It is also ideal for use in environments that are exposed to moisture or chemicals.
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Gerne beantworte ich Ihre Fragen auch persönlich

Andreas Kniebeis, B.Eng.

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Lieferung und Beratung


Montag bis Freitag von 7 - 20 Uhr.
Samstag von 8 - 12 Uhr.


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